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Being a teen brings loads of challenges...
Find a listening ear here.
Advice and Discussion on real issues teens face. 



take control of



Be happy! Find real solutions to your problems. Enjoy your teen years while building strong relationships with friends and family. Get the most out of your life!  

 Drop your problems here.

BE yourself


Explore ways to enhance your own personality, build your self esteem and bring out the best in others. 



stop worrying.
FIND a solution


Nothing is accomplished by worrying. If you're going through a challenging time, let us hear from you. All posts will remain anonymous. We will never use your name. We want to HELP...Sometimes the best medicine is just having someone to listen. 


We care about teens and want to offer practical advice to help them through the tough times. 









Practical Advice for Teen Issues


Learn ways to:


Control a BAD TEMPER


Communicate with YOUR PARENTS




Get BETTER GRADES in school




Reach out in THE COMMUNITY



Anonymous Teen:

Too much stress! School - Parents - and thinking about getting a job...AHHH!!!


Dear Teen,

Thanks for coming to us.


1)Be careful not to overextend yourself. Learn to say NO...even if it might be fun. There's always another time to share in that activity. 

2)When invited to do something - respond with a, "Let me get back to you." Take a little time to prioritize and then give them an honest yes or no when you've checked your schedule.

2)Prioritize - What's REALLY important?

3)Don't procrastinate - That only ups the stress level...start early / finish early....breathe!

4)Take care of your body - sleep and a balanced diet. Staying awake til all hours texting your friends only makes tomorrow much worse. 

5)As for your parents - COMMUNICATE with them. Let them know how you're feeling and what they could do to help you manage your schedule in a better way.

Simple, easy advice

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